Enjoy a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy friends, family, and lots of good food. From the turkey, stuffing, mashed potato to the pies, it can be quite a feast. This makes it a very difficult time to stay on track with respect to healthy lifestyle. But just because it is...

What it Takes to Avoid Weight Regain

Success leaves clues.  Success in anything in life usually involves doing a few things well on a consistent basis. It turns out, same is true when it comes to avoiding regaining weight after successful weight loss. It is well documented that losing weight is hard and...

How to Make Vegetables Delightful

“Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon” — Doug Larson  If people could like vegetables as much as they do bacon, life expectancy would indeed rise.  This is because a diet rich in vegetables has many...

How to Avoid Fall Weight Gain

The fall is a time of bright and beautiful colors.  It is also a time that most of us tend to gain weight.  We appear to eat more as the days get shorter.  There is a seasonal rhythm to calorie intake.  Meal size, cravings, hunger, and overall...