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Achieve a Lifetime of Weight Loss Success

KUDOS is Focused on Four Primary Areas for Creating Lasting Results

Food Choices

Choosing the right foods doesn’t have come in the form of a strict or rigid diet. We’ll show you how to substitute foods at an easy pace and enjoy your meals and snacks!

Active Lifestyle

Being active doesn’t require becoming an elite athlete. We’ll show you how to think differently about the things you do every day, and how to get fit at your own pace!

Medical Treatment

We’re a medical office as well as a weight loss center! That means an on-site physician can identify and diagnose any problems that may be sabotaging your success.

Behavior Modification

Stress and bad habits often contribute more to weight gain than you might expect. We’ll help you modify your behavior in achievable ways with the right guidance.

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Three Ways Kudos is different than a diet

Metabolic Testing for Accurate Meal Plan Development

Kudos will help you develop a meal plan that is right for YOU through metabolic testing and working directly with you.

Medical Treatments to curb Cravings and Appetite

Kudos is a medical office – we are able to prescribe medical treatments that are right for your individual weight loss obstacles.

Coaching and Support for lifetime transformation

Kudos Coaching is designed to walk with you through every step of your weight loss journey, helping you adjust with every milestone!

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