Weight Loss or Water Loss?

Have you ever wondered why your weight can vary so drastically from day to day?   Have you ever noticed how the scale drops fairly rapidly when you begin a weight loss program and then a few weeks into the program your numbers begin to move down more...

Snacks to Pack

Whether you are planning to fly, drive cross country or just head down the road, thinking a few steps ahead could mean all the difference when adding up your totals for the day. I’m not talking about miles—proteins, carbs, & calories are the numbers I want you to...

Sleep – The Secret Slim Solution? 

“In the United States 18% of adults are estimated to get less than 6 hours of sleep, which equates to 53 million short sleepers who may be at risk of associated obesity,” — Dr. Kristen Knutson  Getting enough sleep may just be as important for good...