If you’re reading this, then you, like many of us, are experiencing a different kind of “Covid Curve”. Not to worry – this is a difficult time one everyone and you’re not alone!
KUDOS is starting a FREE WEBINAR SERIES called “Shake Off the Covid Curve!” and we’ll be bringing you four weeks of free live Facebook videos, complete with Q&A, coaching resources and a library of all the live events as they finish up. All this at no cost to you – we just want to help you get off on the right foot with getting back on track!
We sincerely hope you join us in working together to shave off the extra pounds from not-so-healthy quarantine habits. There’s a light at the end of this tunnel and summer is just about to start! We’re excited to go on this journey together in shaking off the pounds AND the blues from being stuck inside for so long!
Not only will you become part of a community of wonderful people who are on the same path as you, but you’ll have a fantastic group of accountability partners and supportive individuals, coaches and – Dr. Ife! – to help you get there.
And, at the end of the 4-week webinar series, we’ll include a special deal for any members who want to join the KUDOS program – only available to group participants!
The live webinars with Q&A sessions will air every week day at 6:30pm, available right on the Shake Off the Covid Curve Facebook group.
Click here to visit the page and sign up for the FREE 4-WEEK WEBINAR SERIES: